Coppper Island Cannabis
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the legal age to purchase and use cannabis?
How much cannabis can I purchase in one transaction?
What is the equivalency for products other than dried cannabis?
One (1) gram of dried cannabis is equal to:
-5 grams of fresh cannabis
-15 grams of edible product
-70 grams of liquid product
-0.25 grams of concentrates (solid or liquid)
-1 cannabis plant seed
How much can individuals possess?
Where can I legally use cannabis?
Cannabis may be consumed, smoked or vaped in public in the same places where tobacco can be smoked or vaped, except in places where children commonly gather. Cannabis may be consumed in a private place but be sure to check your local smoking bylaws as they vary from community to community.
What ID do I need to show when purchasing cannabis?
You must show two pieces of ID, the first must be issued by a government agency including your name, birth date, and picture. The second must include an imprint of your name, signature and/or picture.
Does Copper Island Cannabis ship or deliver any products?
Unfortunately, we are only able to ship smoking accessories such as vapes, grinders, bongs etc, at this current time.
Can I travel with cannabis I buy at Copper Island Cannabis Co?
You may travel within the province with up to 30 grams of dried cannabis or it’s equivalent, however you may not use any cannabis products in a vehicle at anytime, regardless if it is parked or not. You may travel with cannabis across provincial borders, however be sure to check the provincial laws for the destination you are planning to travel to for any restrictions. It is strictly illegal to transport cannabis across any international borders, including the Canadian Border.
Where can I buy cannabis online?
The only legal place to purchase non-medical cannabis online in BC is
I am a licensed medical cannabis user. Can I buy my cannabis at Copper Island Cannabis Co?
Yes, however it will not have the same exemptions from rules around possession, use, etc, that cannabis purchased from a licensed producer under a medical authorization would. It also would not be eligible to be used as a tax write-off at the end of the year for medical expenses.
What role does the BC Liquor Distribution Branch play in the sale of cannabis?
The BC Liquor Distribution Branch (LDB) will be the sole, wholesale distributor of non-medical cannabis for the province.
Can I bring my underage child into BC Cannabis Stores?
No, you may not bring anyone under the age of 19 into provincially licensed cannabis stores. No exceptions.
What are the penalties for sharing cannabis with young people?
The Cannabis Act created two new criminal offences, with maximum penalties of 14 years in jail for giving or selling cannabis to youth, or using a youth to commit a cannabis-related offence.
Is using cannabis bad for my health?
There are many short and long-term effects from using cannabis including physical dependency and cannabis use disorder that may result from frequent use.
Will cannabis interact with my medication?
Combining cannabis with other medications can increase the overall effects. This could increase the risk of injury or harm, particularly with activities like driving. For more information on the interactions between cannabis and medications, consult your healthcare provider.
Can I return a product after I've opened the package?
No, with the exception of recalled or defective products. Defects could include but are not limited to: product inside packaging leaking, mould or powdery mildew present, vape cartridge clogged, etc.
If I don't like the experience of the product, can I return it?
No, only products which are defective or recalled may be returned with a receipt.
If my product is defective, can I return it?
Products may be eligible for a refund if they are expired, moldy, or damaged. Original receipt must be present.
How long do I have to return a cannabis product after I purchase it?
Cannabis products may only be returned if they are defective, damaged or recalled. With the exception of recalls, returns must be requested within two business days of the purchase date.
If I return a product, how will my payment be refunded?
All cannabis products that are returned (sealed or not) will be destroyed safely.
What will happen to my product after I return it?
Combining cannabis with other medications can increase the overall effects. This could increase the risk of injury or harm, particularly with activities like driving. For more information on the interactions between cannabis and medications, consult your healthcare provider.
What products are available to customers in BC?
In British Columbia if you are aged 19 or older, you will be able to purchase dried cannabis flower, pre-rolls, edibles, beverages, oils, capsules, and cannabis accessories. All cannabis products sold at Copper Island Cannabis Co are purchased directly from the BC Cannabis & Liquor Distribution Branch.
Who provides cannabis to the BC Liquor Distribution Branch?
The LDB will only purchase non-medical cannabis from federally licensed producers, approved by Health Canada.
Who ensures the safety of the products sold at the LDB?
All cannabis products undergo lab-testing at licensed testing facilities as per Health Canada safety standards. Approved non-medical cannabis products will be safely transported to the LDB’s warehouse by appropriately regulated transport agents before they are distributed to both the public and private retail stores.
Why do amounts of THC and CBD in a product sometimes change?
Total cannabinoids in a particular plant can differ from one batch to the next, depending on a number of factors. It’s important to remember that cannabis is a plant and it is common for some variability to occur.
What is the product label information telling me?
Product labels will include the name and contact information of the licensed producer, a brand name, the amount of THC and CBD, storage instructions, quality attributes, safety warnings, packaging date, lot number, weight, and Health Canada’s THC warning symbol.
How can I tell how strong my product is?
Each product label will include the pre-consumption and total amounts of THC and CBD, in a percentage of the product’s weight. The higher the percentage, the more concentrated the product.
I don't want to smoke cannabis. Are there other ways to use it?
Yes, inhaling smoke from the burning of any substance can harm your respiratory system and allow harmful carbon and carcinogens into your body. We strongly recommend using a vaporizer like a Volcano or the Arizer to significantly decrease the amount of unwanted smoke from entering the lungs. Other smokeless ways to use cannabis include cannabis edibles, beverages, sublingual oils (placed under the tongue) and capsules.
How do I store my cannabis after I've purchased it?
Store your cannabis in an airtight glass container in a cool dark place. Be sure to keep out of reach of children, teenagers and pets by storing in a locked and/or discrete place.
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Contact Information
2798 Balmoral Rd #1, Blind Bay, BC V0E 1H1
Phone Number
(250) 675-3300
Hours of Operation
Saturday – Thursday
10AM – 6PM
10AM – 8PM